Mastering Your Mind with Nalanie Chellaram

Mastering Your Mind with Nalanie Chellaram

In this video series, Nalanie Chellaram offers some practical advice on how to gain mastery over your mind.

Learn more about Nalanie Harilela Chellaram

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Mastering Your Mind with Nalanie Chellaram
  • Mastering Your Mind: New Beginnings

    Are peace and happiness your goals? Or is it just to change a bad habit? In this video Nalanie says to forget making a New Year's resolution and to look within, for it is there you will find the way to a new beginning and a new you!

    Learn more about Nalanie Harilela Chellaram

  • Pray For A Contented Mind: With Nalanie Chellaram

    In this Satsang, Nalanie discusses non-attachment and using a quote from the book "The Song of the Bird" by Anthony De Mello she emphasises the importance of contentment. She also warns that the spiritual path is like a razor's edge and therefore constant practice of the Yogic tools is essential...

  • Mastering Your Mind: A Talk By Nalanie Chellaram

    'What is nectar in the beginning is poison in the end' - a quote from The Bhagavad Gita, which also says the opposite is true, that 'poison in the beginning is nectar in the end.' Here Nalanie discusses pleasure and pain, they are two sides of the same coin, and how to be free from desires that ...

  • Mastering Your Mind: Spirituality with Nalanie Chellaram

    Are you confused about spirituality? What does your soul tell you? Why did you decide to take the spiritual path? In this video Nalanie asks the audience to consider these questions in order to gain a deeper insight into what it means to be spiritual.

    Learn more about Nalanie Harilela Chellaram

  • Mastering Your Mind: Meditate on the Inner Joy

    In this, the next in the series entitled 'Mastering Your Mind,' Nalanie reflects on the joy to be found by turning inward, and the peace to be experienced when meditating on the true Self.

    Learn more about Nalanie Harilela Chellaram

  • Mastering Your Mind: Mantra & Prayer

    Mantras and Prayers can be so powerful. Nalanie explains how and why, and the importance of saying them both.

    Learn more about Nalanie Harilela Chellaram

  • Mastering Your Mind: Discriminative Discernment

    Nalanie asks: What is your goal? She explains how to achieve discriminative discernment in life, the wisdom to know when to act and when not to, and the importance of awareness and of 'being in the now.' And she uses a real incident, a warning, provided by one of her students to exemplify these...

  • Mastering Your Mind: Kriya Yoga - Pt 3

    In this class, Nalanie provides explanations of the Koshas and gives more details about the Chakras. It includes breathing exercises and visualizations.

    Learn more about Nalanie Harilela Chellaram

  • Mastering Your Mind: Kriya Yoga - Pt 2

    In this, the second in the series covering Kriya Yoga - the technique of controlling energy through pranayama (breath control) and meditation - Nalanie looks deeper into the practice of the Bandhas (energy locks) and how these can improve health. Included are two short guided meditations and exp...

  • Mastering Your Mind: Kriya Yoga - Pt. 1

    Continuing under the theme "Mastering Your Mind" Nalanie discusses Kriya Yoga - the technique of controlling energy through pranayama (breath control) and meditation. This includes a practical demonstration of 'Bhastrika' - 'the Bellows Breath' - and of the 'Bandhas," the energy locks which when ...

  • Mastering Your Mind: Non-Attachment in Relationships

    In the third video in the series "Mastering Your Mind" Nalanie discusses how it is possible to have, and the importance of having non-attachment in personal relationships. Filmed at The George Harilela Yoga Centre, Spain on the 12th October 2022.

    Learn more about Nalanie Harilela Chellaram

  • Mastering Your Mind: Non-Attachment with Nalanie Chellaram

    Continuing the theme of "Mastering Your Mind" Nalanie discusses the meaning and importance of non-attachment when seeking peace.
    Filmed at the George Harilela Yoga Centre, Spain, on the 5th October 2022.

    Learn more about Nalanie Harilela Chellaram