Nalanie Harilela Chellaram

Nalanie Harilela Chellaram

Nalanie Harilela Chellaram is a modern spiritual teacher—a true soul doctor dedicated to selfless service. She travels the world to spread a message of wisdom, compassion, and love based on the philosophy of Yoga.

Nalanie attended university in the United States where she studied philosophy, psychology, and fine arts. Later, in 1986, she became a disciple of His Holiness Sri Swami Satchidananda “Gurudev”, one of the leading lights who brought Yoga to the West and who was also affectionately known as “the Woodstock Guru” after he gave the opening address at the famous Woodstock Music Festival held in New York state in 1969. Under His Holiness’ guidance Nalanie studied the science of Yoga while at the same time continuing her study of philosophy and psychology. She has been accredited by Satchidananda Ashram–Yogaville in Virginia, USA to teach asanas, pranayama and meditation. She is also an accredited Integral Yoga teacher trainer and a Yoga therapist under the British School of Yoga and the International Association of Yoga Therapists.

Her popularity as a counselor has also increased in recent years and she now offers personal consultations worldwide for which she does not charge but rather prefers to work on a donation basis.

Nalanie currently serves as Chairwoman of the Integral Yoga Centres in Sotogrande Alto, Spain and Gibraltar, where she regularly gives talks (satsangs) on spirituality and the science of the mind. She frequently leads Raja Yoga teacher training courses and is becoming increasingly popular as a speaker both locally and internationally.

She is also the founder of the Service in Satchidananda (SIS) initiative, a nonprofit international collective of charities established in honor of Sri Swami Satchidananda and based on his core teaching of selfless service.

Nalanie is highly regarded as the first of a new generation of spiritual teachers. Her particular upbringing and education have given her a special insight into both Hinduism and Christianity, inspired by her beloved Gurudev. Her example as a wife, mother, businesswoman, and now grandmother, who has devoted her life to God and His service, has been a beacon to her students. She shows that it is not necessary to withdraw from life in order to find the “God within”.

In March 2008, Nalanie received an award in recognition of her services to humanity from Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, and in October of the same year she was also awarded a Humanitarian Award from Satchidananda Ashram–Yogaville in Virginia, USA. In 2022 she received the Mayor’s Award for services to the community from the Mayor of Gibraltar.

Nalanie has also published several booklets dealing with different emotional subjects, a collection of affirmations and poems under the title Divine Grace, and a book entitled Loss, Life, Love that relays her personal journey through grief to love.

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Nalanie Harilela Chellaram
  • The Yoga of Devotion - Part Three

    Do we really have freedom of choice? Can we influence the course of events through prayer? These are just two of the questions answered by Nalanie in this, part three of the series 'The Yoga Of Devotion'.

    Learn more about Nalanie Harilela Chellaram

  • The Yoga of Devotion: Part 2 - with Nalanie Chellaram

    In this, the second in the series on the Yoga of Devotion (Bhakti Yoga), Nalanie continues to discuss how to find peace and joy, love and light through devotion to the Divine, the Divine within not just oneself but also to the Divine in everyone else - and in everything! As her father George Har...

  • The Yoga of Devotion - Part 1: with Nalanie Chellaram

    There are eight "limbs" of Yoga and in this video Nalanie discusses one of them - Bhakti Yoga, the Yoga of Devotion. She relays her own experiences and answers questions about devotion, from where does it arise and is it linked to self-surrender?

    Learn more about Nalanie Harilela Chellaram

  • Mastering Your Mind: New Beginnings

    Are peace and happiness your goals? Or is it just to change a bad habit? In this video Nalanie says to forget making a New Year's resolution and to look within, for it is there you will find the way to a new beginning and a new you!

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  • Pray For A Contented Mind: With Nalanie Chellaram

    In this Satsang, Nalanie discusses non-attachment and using a quote from the book "The Song of the Bird" by Anthony De Mello she emphasises the importance of contentment. She also warns that the spiritual path is like a razor's edge and therefore constant practice of the Yogic tools is essential...

  • Mastering Your Mind: A Talk By Nalanie Chellaram

    'What is nectar in the beginning is poison in the end' - a quote from The Bhagavad Gita, which also says the opposite is true, that 'poison in the beginning is nectar in the end.' Here Nalanie discusses pleasure and pain, they are two sides of the same coin, and how to be free from desires that ...

  • The Yoga Sutras Of Patanjali: Summary

    In this, the final part of the series, Nalanie summarises the study of the ancient Hindu scripture, The Yoga Sutras Of Patanjali. The study covered in depth Book One (Samadhi Pada - The Portion on Contemplation) and Book Two (Sadhana Pada - The Portion on Practice), and touched upon Book Three (...

  • The Yoga Sutras Of Patanjali: Book Two - Sutras 7-9

    Ignorance, egoism, attachment, aversion and clinging to life are all covered in this, the penultimate session of The Study of The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.
    Nalanie also includes advice on meditation and how to meditate.

    Learn more about Nalanie Harilela Chellaram

  • The Yoga Sutras Of Patanjali: Book Two - Sutras 2-6

    Following on from the previous session, here Nalanie discusses in more detail the obstacles (the 'Kleśas' - or 'Kleshas') to spiritual growth. This edition includes advice on how to handle divorce, and a reading from The Upanishads describing the difference between the small 's' self (the ego) a...

  • The Yoga Sutras Of Patanjali: Book Two - Sutra 1

    This class includes an explanation of what it means to accept pain for purification, and of the meaning of 'Kriya Yoga' and the Koshas. There is also a recap of Book One, Sutra 33 (the Four Locks and Keys) and Book Two, Sutras 28 and 29 (the Eight Limbs of Yoga).

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  • The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali: Book One - Sutras 34-41

    The duality of the world, how to face the wars (battles) in our lives, how to remove the blockages inhibiting our spiritual growth, and what to concentrate on to aid meditation. These are just some of the subjects in this edition, which includes a demonstration of 'Kapalabhati', the rapid breathi...

  • The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali: Book One - Sutra 33

    In this edition, Nalanie focuses on Sutra 33 - known as "The Four Locks and Keys." She opens the session with a discussion about faith, and she goes on to offer advice on dealing with panic attacks.

    Learn more about Nalanie Harilela Chellaram

  • The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali: Book One - Sutras 30-35

    In this edition, Nalanie talks about the obstacles to spiritual growth and how to overcome them. "Change your language, change your life!"

    Learn more about Nalanie Harilela Chellaram

  • The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali: Book One - Sutras 27 - 29

    In this edition Nalanie provides an explanation of the 'Mantram OM' including readings from the ancient Hindu scripture 'The Upanishads.' The session begins with a recap of Book One, Sutras 21 to 26 on Devotion and Isvara pranidhanam. The music at the opening is 'The Eternal OM' by Robert Slap ...

  • The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali: Book One - Sutras 21 - 26

    In this edition, Nalanie goes back to Book One (the Portion on Contemplation) and discusses 'Isvara Pranidhanam' which is self-surrender and devotion to the Divine. It includes a brief recap of Book One, Sutra 14.

    Learn more about Nalanie Harilela Chellaram

  • The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali: Book Three - Sutras 2 & 3

    Dhyana (meditation) and Samadhi (contemplation and absorption) are the subjects of this edition. It includes an explanation of the different kinds of Samadhi (Samprajnata Samadhi, Savitarka Samadhi, Savichara Samadhi, Sa-ananda Samadhi and Sa-asmita Samadhi); and a detailed reading from The Upani...

  • Mastering Your Mind: Spirituality with Nalanie Chellaram

    Are you confused about spirituality? What does your soul tell you? Why did you decide to take the spiritual path? In this video Nalanie asks the audience to consider these questions in order to gain a deeper insight into what it means to be spiritual.

    Learn more about Nalanie Harilela Chellaram

  • The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali: Book Three - Sutra 1

    The sixth limb of Yoga, and the first step towards meditation, Dharana (concentration) is the subject for this edition which, as it was filmed on Valentine’s Day, includes a discussion about love – “only love is real.” It also includes practical advice on meditation, and on faith – “ the biggest ...

  • The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali: Book Two - Sutras 54-55

    Pratyahara (sense control) is the subject of this edition of the study. It includes a brief recap of pranayama, and how slowing the breath can help with pratyahara and panic attacks. Also included are non-attachment and how to deal with people who 'push your buttons!'

    Learn more about Nalanie Ha...

  • The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali: Book Two - Sutras 49-53

    In this video, Nalanie explains 'pranayama," or breath control. It includes a recap of Book Two - Sutras 46 to 48, and a short meditation using the breath.

    Learn more about Nalanie Harilela Chellaram

  • How To Practice Truthfulness With Compassion: A Talk with Nalanie Chellaram

    Based on "Axiom Therapy" - a system of therapy utilising truthfulness and compassion developed by Nalanie Harilela Chellaram and grounded in Yogic tenets and teachings, and as practiced by her during her over 30 years as a counsellor, as a 'soul doctor.'

    Learn more about Nalanie Harilela Chellaram

  • Mastering Your Mind: Meditate on the Inner Joy

    In this, the next in the series entitled 'Mastering Your Mind,' Nalanie reflects on the joy to be found by turning inward, and the peace to be experienced when meditating on the true Self.

    Learn more about Nalanie Harilela Chellaram

  • The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali: Book One - Sutra 30 / Book Two - Sutra 46

    The main topic for this edition is 'Asana' - Yoga posture. However, Nalanie opens with a short talk about faith, continuing the theme of 'accepting pain for purification,' and in closing she demonstrates the power of the mind and gives some advice about relationships. Includes a recap of Book T...

  • The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali: Book Two - Sutras 41-44

    This edition includes going deeper into 'accepting pain for purification'; the difference between love and possessiveness; what is 'Isvara Pranidhanam' and some advice on what to do when Kundalini rises and you feel unwell.

    Learn more about Nalanie Harilela Chellaram